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About Us

In a Glance

GMC founder is a young, very experienced person with full knowledge and expertise in Marine Industry as well as passion to create safe and strong relations between the Ship Owners and Crew members.

We, in GMC, can understand the Ship Owners’ actual needs for experienced Officers and Crew, as well as the Sailors’ needs for a suitable and safe ship to work in and expand their career.

The challenge of GMC is to connect successfully the needs of both Ship and Sailor.
GMC staff keeps close contact with Shipping Companies as well as with a quite big number of Sailors and professionally propose:

  • To the Shipping Companies: the most experienced Sailors.
  • To the Sailors: proper vacancies for stable positions and a great career.


  • To establish and maintain strong, confident and professional relationship with our customers all over the world.
  • To eavesdrop on the market and offer new ideas, new opportunities, new challenges.
  • To cover perfectly our Customers' demands and to offer efficient solutions under all circumstances.
  • To be always a step forward with high quality services for Shipping Companies,
  • To be always a step forward with trust, confidence and safeness for our Officers and Crew members.


  • Respect of our commitments and obligations to the customers;
  • 24/7 personal contact with our customers;
  • Company’s full capability to serve AD HOC any additional need of the customers;
  • Continuous monitoring of the international rules, regulations, especially those related to the safety at sea, security, protection of the environment, crew competency, crew training.


The creation of a strong worldwide network in a friendly environment between employers and employees in the shipping industry, based on loyalty, trust, expertise and professionalism.

Our Values

  • Efficiency
  • Flexibility
  • Accuracy
  • Industriousness
  • Accountability
  • Perseverance
  • Probity
  • Sustainability
  • Trustworthiness
  • Passion for what we do

Want to Write to Us, Ask for a Vacancy or Just Say Hello, Mayhap?